Shipping & Returns

  1. Return Shipping Options
  2. Restocking Fee
  3. How much is shipping?
  4. How fast is my order processed?
  5. Do you ship outside of USA?
  6. Can you ship parts to me?

Q: Return Shipping Options

Return shipping is the customer's responsibility.

Q: Restocking Fee

Returns may be subject to a 15% Restocking Fee.

Q: How much is shipping?

Sorry, we currently do not ship to Canada, non-Continental US Territories, or Internationally.

Q: How fast is my order processed?

Under normal circumstances, orders are processed the same or following day, Monday through Friday during typical business hours. All orders placed Saturday or Sunday will be processed on Monday, with the exception of holidays. Most orders will ship within 48 hours, or 2 business days.

Any questions?  Please call us!!

Q: Do you ship outside of USA?

Sorry, we currently do not ship to Canada, non-Continental US Territories, or Internationally.

Q: Can you ship parts to me?

Rocky Mountain Truck Accessories will be glad to ship an order we take online, over the phone, or in person.

Any questions? Please call us!!